We’re very pleased to bring a significant update to useMango, version 5.3! For the first time, useMango tests can be built using not just steps but also junctions, enabling test logic to follow alternative branches that are chosen dynamically as your tests execute.
Additional Features with update 5.3!
- A test flow chart replaces the previous step list in the Test Designer.
This new graphical representation of a test is necessary to work with tests that have branches to alternative steps. The flow chart displays all test elements (steps and junctions) with arrow lines that indicate the possible sequences in which the test can execute. It can be used easily with both the keyboard and the mouse.
- A new junction element type can be incorporated into tests and composite components.
Junctions enable a test to take one of two alternative branches when it runs. They evaluate the provided data variables during execution, enabling the test to run steps on either the left or the right branch before resuming with any remaining steps further down the test. Junction branch decisions are reported in the test execution report.
- Cut, copy and paste of test elements is now supported.
The new flow chart enables test elements to be cut or copied and then pasted back into the test. Copying and moving test elements enables users to work more productively when creating tests.
- Test designer layout automatically adjusts when the window width changes.
This is the first step towards updating the application user interface to enable it to be used side by side with the application under test. When the width of the app window reduces, the contents are re-organised to be more practical for working in a narrow space. Future changes will continue to improve this style of working.
- New TextSearch component.
The TextSearch standard component checks whether a specified word can be found in a piece of text, and writes a true or false result to a test variable. This differs to the VerifyText component because it doesn’t cause the test to fail if the word isn’t found. Therefore, this component can be used for evaluating data used for branching decisions.
- New Web-IsVisible component.
Web-IsVisible checks whether a web element can be found in the web browser and writes a true or false result to a test variable.
- New Web-ClickTableCell component.
Web-ClickTableCell enables a cell in a web table to be clicked, the cell being identified by row and column numbers.
With these new features, test automation with useMango has never been easier!
If you would like to trial useMango for yourself, download our free trial at here!
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